Thursday, June 21, 2012

Games: Weather and Clothing

Hoy hablamos de como tenemos que vestirnos para diferentes tipos del tiempo. Les comparto un vídeo y unos juegos para practicar este concepto.

Today we talked about how we have to dress differently for different types of weather. Here is a video and some games to practice this concept.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Weather Videos

Hoy empezamos el tema "El Tiempo" en la clase de Environment. Vamos a aprender mucho! Les comparto una canción que vamos a estar practicando.
Today we started learning about the weather in Environment. We will be learning a lot! Here is a song we will be practicing.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Third Period Contents

Les informo que he publicado los contenidos del tercer periodo. Gracias!

I have published the contents for third period. Thanks!Kinder 3rd period contents pdf
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